“I first got involved with Real Lives around 8 years ago as a volunteer in the Crocus Cafe. My time at the Crocus was key to my own mental health recovery. After a number of years working with the Crocus Cafe, I was able to build the confidence and stability to enter paid employment in food using the experience I gained there. Having pursued this successfully for a few years, I have come back to Real Lives to help others live their lives as happily and independently as possible and to move into the care sector. I love to help others and I am a very supportive person; I hope to enable others to access the support and passion of Real Lives to enable them to enter or continue their own recovery. Outside of work, my hobbies include handmaking visual art; writing, designing and running home-made Dungeons and Dragons adventure games as well as playing the game myself; board games; learning rap songs; cycling; cooking and slackline rope-walking.”